I Scream For $10,000 With The Virgin Casino Ice Cream Sharepot Bonus

Updated on June 27, 2024
ice cream virgin casino copy

If you’re one of the millions of people who love ice cream, you’ll gladly have some any day of the year. But if ever there was a week that screams out for enjoying a generous helping of this irresistible treat, it’s this one. Why? Here are three great reasons:

  • When the temperature outside is scorching, cooling off with ice cream is a no-brainer!
  • It’s National Ice Cream Week!
  • To celebrate National Ice Cream Week, Virgin Casino is offering a $10,000 Ice Cream Sharepot!
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How Sharepots work

If you have been playing at Virgin Casino for any length of time, you are probably already familiar with this NJ online casino’s Sharepots.

You’ll often hear it said that in gambling, there’s no such thing as a sure thing. But one thing that you probably can always count on every month is a new Sharepot offer from either Virgin Online Casino or its sister NJ gambling website, Tropicana Online Casino, or both.

Sharepots, just like the name suggests, entail the casino setting aside a designated prize pool and allowing a large number of players to grab their share. The more you play during the promotion period, compared to other players, the bigger your share!

This week Virgin Casino is offering an Ice Cream Sharepot. But instead of ice cream, it’s filled with another cool treat–$10,000 in Bonus Money! All you have to do is scoop some up for yourself!

How to earn your share of the Virgin Casino Ice Cream Sharepot

Like ice cream itself, this Ice Cream Sharepot won’t last long. However, you still have time to qualify by earning tickets based on your play. The period for earning Sharepot tickets started on Monday, July 22 and continues through 11: 59 p.m. Thursday, July 25.

Simply play your favorite Virgin Casino games as often as possible during that time period. For every $50 you wager on any given calendar day, you will earn one Sharepot ticket, up to a maximum of five if your day’s wagers total $250 or more.

The maximum number of tickets per player is therefore 20. If you already wagered $250 or more on Monday and do the same Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, you would have 20 tickets. You would also be guaranteed that nobody participating in this promotion would have more tickets and therefore get a bigger share of the Sharepot than you. If you missed day 1 of the promotion and start earning tickets on Tuesday, July 23, the maximum number of tickets you can earn is 15.

Bet what you can afford

If you only earn one ticket or a couple of tickets, you won’t be excluded from the Sharepot, but your share will be tiny. That’s why your best bet is to earn as many more tickets as possible—but only to the extent you can afford.

The Virgin Casino Ice Cream Sharepot is meant to be a fun way to pick up some extra bonus money, not the type of promotion where anyone is going to walk away with a supersize prize.

How Virgin Casino will determine your share of the Sharepot

While the total amount of the Ice Cream Sharepot has been preset at $10,000–all in the form of bonus money–you won’t know until the promotion is over how much of this bonus money will go to you.

That figure will ultimately depend not only on how many tickets you have, but also on the total number of tickets earned by all of the participating players combined, and your percentage of that total.

If math isn’t your forte, don’t worry about it. Virgin Online Casino will get it all figured out by Friday, July 26 and place the bonus money you have earned in your account.

But I know some of you are curious about the specific sequence of steps that will go into determining each player’s bonus. So here, in order, is what the casino will do:

  1. Determine for each player separately the number of tickets that player has earned.
  2. Add these totals up to get a grand total for everyone.
  3. Calculate each player’s percentage of the Sharepot by dividing that person’s total number of tickets by the grand total.
  4. Multiply each player’s percentage of the Sharepot by $10,000, since that’s the total amount of bonus money in the Sharepot. The end result–whatever that happens to be–is the amount of bonus money each player will receive.

For example, if you earn 15 tickets and all of the players combined (including you) earn 7,500 tickets, your percentage of the total is .20 percent. When you multiply .0020 by $10,000, you get $20, so your bonus will be $20.

When will you get your bonus money from this week’s Ice Cream Sharepot?

After Virgin Casino completes its calculations on Friday, July 26, barring technical difficulties, all players who have bonus money coming to them from the Ice Cream Sharepot should see the money in their account within 24 hours. But allow for up to three business days.

Wagering requirements for the bonus money

The wagering requirements and other terms and conditions for this bonus are exactly the same as for any other VirginCasino.com (or TropicanaCasino.com) bonus.

You have up to 30 days (not that you’ll need anywhere near that much time) to wager the bonus 1x on any game you wish. All games count 100 percent.

But here’s the catch. As soon as you complete this minimal amount of wagering, any resulting winnings are yours to keep, but not the bonus money itself. Even if you win and would like to wager your bonus again to try to win more, you can’t. That’s because win or lose, as soon as you wager the bonus once, the casino takes the money back. You’ll never see that bonus money again. But the good news is that another bonus is probably right around the corner because Virgin Casino offers lots of them.

Is the Virgin Casino Ice Cream Sharepot worth your time?

As long as you intend to play anyway at Virgin Casino this week, of course, you should take advantage of this easy way to earn extra bonus money. But is the promotion worth your time otherwise? Like virtually every other promotion on NJ gambling websites, this one has both its pros and cons. We’ll mention the not so great features first.

What could be better

Sticky bonus

Most NJ online casino bonuses come with much higher wagering requirements. So in that sense, you are getting a real bargain only needing to wager the bonus once. But the traditional bonuses give you two big advantages in return, both of which are missing here. The first is that betting the bonus many times over gives you the potential to win a lot more money. The second is that when you complete the wagering, you get to keep the bonus.

The stipulation that you can only bet the bonus once and then only keep the winnings (if any) and not the bonus itself significantly limits the amount you can win.

Likelihood of a small bonus

In order to have any reasonable expectation for a decent size win from a non-cashable bonus like this one, the bonus needs to be larger than a traditional bonus. Even though there’s $10,000 in bonus money in the Sharepot, keep in mind that it’s going to be divvied up among hundreds of players. Therefore, individual shares will probably be small, especially if your play during the promotion period is minimal.

Virgin Casino Ice Cream Sharepot great features

Fortunately, this offer also has several great features. Those are what make the promotion worth your time even with the above-mentioned shortcomings.

A promotion any player can afford

Most NJ online casino bonuses not only come with substantial wagering requirements; more often than not, you won’t even get the bonus unless you make a minimum qualifying deposit. This promotion requires no deposit at all and the wagering requirements, both to be eligible for a bonus and to clear it, are so reasonable, any player can afford to participate.

Limit to 20 Sharepot tickets per person

Like many prize drawings, where the number of entries is based on play, the number of tickets you receive for the Sharepot is also based on play. However, many prize drawings place no cap at all on the number of entries per person, thereby allowing high rollers to dominate the field and make it near impossible for other players to win.

You won’t run into that problem here since Virgin Casino has capped the number of tickets per person at five per day based on $250 wagers. Obviously, players who wish to bet thousands of dollars are free to do so, but that won’t entitle them to any more of the Sharepot than other players betting $250 per day. In other words, Virgin Casino is leveling the playing field sufficiently to give all players the opportunity to get their fair share of the Sharepot.

Guaranteed mystery bonus

Unlike in a drawing, no one who meets the minimum requirements for participating walks away from this promotion empty-handed. As long as you wager at least $50 on at least one of the four days of the promotion, a bonus is guaranteed.

In addition, the fact that the reward is a mystery bonus adds further to the fun and excitement.

The bottom line

As long as you go into this NJ gambling website promotion with a realistic understanding of its limitations, the Virgin Casino Ice Cream Sharepot could be one of the coolest offers of the week.

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