Virgin Online Casino $5K Bonus Money Partridge Prize Draw

Virgin Online Casino is celebrating the season with a brand new Partridge Prize Draw. But don’t worry.
No one will have to settle for a partridge in a pear tree or any of the other ridiculous prizes you couldn’t possibly have any use for that the song mentions. Instead, before the week is over and just in the nick of time for Christmas, Virgin Online Casino will surprise 250 lucky players with extra bonus money in their account.
How the Virgin Online Casino Partridge Prize Draw works
One of those 250 lucky players could be you. But you need to act fast. The period for earning entries into the drawing started on Mon., Dec. 14 and continues only through 11:59 p.m. Thurs., Dec. 17.
Who is eligible to participate?
Only registered Virgin Casino players with access to the NJ online games can participate in this promotion. You don’t necessarily have to reside in New Jersey provided you are physically situated in New Jersey at the time of your play. However, residents of New York, Florida, Rhode Island, Louisiana, Hawaii, Guam, and Puerto Rico are excluded.
How to earn entries for the drawing
You needn’t be a big player to qualify. No deposit is required, and you can earn entries simply doing what you normally do–playing your favorite Virgin Online Casino games.
For every $50 wagered on any game on any given qualifying day of the promotion, you will earn one drawing entry, up to a maximum of five entries per day if you wager $250 or more. Therefore, if you already started playing on day 1 and wager at least $250 on all four days, you would accumulate 20 drawing entries, which is the maximum number possible. If you start playing on the second day, you can still earn up to 15 entries.
However, if wagering $250 per day is more than you can afford or have time for, don’t worry about it. As long as you wager at least $50 on at least one day of the promotion, you qualify for the drawing. And since this is a random drawing where 250 prizes will be given away, everyone has a chance.
Just keep in mind that you cannot carry play over from one day to the next. So, each day you would like to have your play count, make sure you wager at least $50 or, if possible, a multiple of $50.
Distribution of prizes
On Fri., Dec. 18, Virgin Online Casino will hold a random drawing among all eligible entries to determine the 250 winners. The order in which the names are drawn won’t matter. All prizes are identical and consist of $20 bonus money credited to the player’s account. No player can win more than one prize.
Winners can expect to see the money in their accounts within 24 hours of the drawing. But allow up to three business days in case of technical difficulties.
Additional wagering requirements for the bonus
These bonus money prizes work exactly like any other bonus at Virgin Online Casino or its sister NJ gambling website, Tropicana Online Casino. You have up to 30 days to wager the bonus 1x on any game. Then, as soon as you complete this tiny amount of wagering, you can withdraw any resulting winnings but, unfortunately, not the bonus money itself.
As soon as you wager the bonus once, it will disappear from your account permanently. But the good news is that at this online casino, you never have to wait for more than a few days at most for the opportunity to receive another bonus.
The bottom line: Is this Virgin Online Casino Bonus Money Prize Draw worth your time?
Obviously, this promotion would be better if you could keep not just your winnings from the bonus money prize but the bonus itself. One way to offset this disadvantage somewhat is to offer bigger prizes. However, $20 is a small bonus to begin with, so your winnings, if any, from wagering it will probably also be small.
Another way to try to increase your winnings, but only with traditional bonuses and not this bonus, is to keep betting the bonus multiple times. Unlike this bonus, which you can only bet once, traditional bonuses typically must be bet over and over again to meet the steep wagering requirements to clear them.
The advantage is the potential, if you’re lucky, to win many times the amount of the original bonus. The disadvantage is that you also have to wager your own money and run the risk of losing it.
What all of the above means, in a nutshell, is that short of winning a jackpot, this is not the type of giveaway that offers more than a very remote chance for huge winnings. However, unless you are a very big player and you couldn’t care less about a sticky $20 bonus, don’t be too hasty in assuming this promotion is a waste of time.
Virgin Online Casino Partridge Prize Draw great features
Take a look at all of the following great features that the Virgin Online Casino $5K Bonus Money Partridge Prize Draw also has going for it and then decide.
- Very reasonable requirements for earning entries into the drawing
- Cap of five entries per day based on $250 wagers, so high rollers can’t hog a disproportionate number of entries
- 250 prizes, so everyone has a great chance to win
The last advantage is super important. Even if you win minimally or not at all with the $20 bonus money prize, because you only bet it once, it’s entirely with the casino’s money, not yours. You can’t possibly lose any of your own money clearing the bonus.